Developmental Editing
Shaping Stage: A big-picture review for quality and completeness.
Fiction: Plot arc, character arc, setting, and pace.
Nonfiction: Content development, reasoning, and supporting evidence.
Line Editing
Smoothing Stage: Review of stylistic issues at the sentence and paragraph level.
Addresses language and word choice.
Copy Editing
Correcting stage: Technical and basic proofreading.
Ensure consistency in facts and style. Improve readability with appropriate grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
We all use both the creative (writing) and logical (editing) sides of our brains. But two brains are still better than one.
So, I’m here to be your second brain and help you write smart.
Strategic Support Options:
S.M.A.R.T. Coaching, live audio/video consultations to review your writing progress, review WIP feedback, answer questions, and set goals for the next call.
Email communication for addressing questions, concerns, and sharing updates.
Mentoring Options:
Guide you towards satisfying work you can be proud of as your personal writing coach, editing consultant, and encourager.
Share constructive guidance essential for completing the various stages leading to a polished writing project.
Accountability Options:
Live consultations may conclude with tasks you need to complete for the next call (ex., word or page goal, non-writing tasks, etc.).
Email reminders to gently help keep you on track and motivated.
Review Work-in-Progress Options:
Constructive feedback on your writing progress as appropriate for the level of editing contracted for.
Help writers build on and strengthen their writing craft.
“It was a true blessing to connect with Beth and enlist her help. She was by far the most professional, prompt, organized, and thorough editor that I have worked with."
Michelle Harrison, Ph.D., LPCC-S (KY), LPC (SC), NCC